The public call for tender for the provision of comprehensive services for potential entrepreneurs and enterprises through support institutions for the years 2023-2025 provides a support environment that will provide free and accessible support services for the target groups of users on a regional or national level throughout the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.
The services and activities will be implemented through selected support institutions of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support Environment.
Purpose and objectives
- Strengthening entrepreneurial potential
- Fostering the creation of new businesses
- Increasing survival rates
of start-ups, - Overcoming barriers to entrepreneurship
- Increasing information and knowledge to address challenges in the entrepreneurial way at all stages of the entrepreneurial cycle
- Increasing early entrepreneurial activity
- Contributing to increased business creation, improvement, growth and development
First set
Programmes for potential entrepreneurs and businesses
- Information and promotion
- SPOT consultations
- Training provided by SPOT advisers
- Training and events carry out by Enterprise Mentors
- Entrepreneurial mentoring

- Območna razvojna agencija Krasa in Brkinov d.o.o. – consultant Tadej Gorup
Partizanska cesta 4, 6210 Sežana
T: +386 5 73 11 152
E: - Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Sežana – consultant Petra Weber
Kraška ulica 6, 6210 Sežana
T: +386 5 62 02 851
E: - Incubator Sežana d.o.o.- business mentors Jožica Sofia Andrini and Urška Mikuž
Kraška ulica 2, 6210 Sežana
T: +385 5 73 13 500
E: - Primorska gospodarska zbornica – consultant Mirjana Župan
Ferrarska ulica 2, 6000 Koper
T: +386 5 66 25 834
E: - Območna obrtno – podjetniška zbornica Koper – consultant Andreja Kozlovič
Staničev trg 1, 6000 Koper
T: +386 5 61 39 013
The activities of the Incubator d.o.o. Sežana within the framework of the operation JR Supporting Environment 2023-2025 are co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The operation is implemented within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2021-2027, priority axis: 3 Dynamic and Competitive Entrepreneurship for Green Economic Growth.