Andrea Di Anselmo

Andrea Di Anselmo

Founding member of META, Group

Andrea Di Anselmo is the founding member of META, Group. He has  a  background  as  civil  engineer and research  experience  in materials  science  at  the  Storrs  University  in  Connecticut,  USA.    Andrea  has  25  years of experience   in innovation   support and company   creation,   gained   participating   to international  assignments  and  influencing  strategic  addresses  as member  of  the  BoD  of intermediary  organizations,  research  institutes,  Business  Angels  Networks,  Seed  fund management companies and SMEs. His most recent professional experience takes place at international level and ison support to “Knowledge Intensive” investment  in  the  field  of  industrial  modernisation, design  and management  of  financial  instruments,  advice  on Smart  Specialisation  Strategies and Entrepreneurship Strategies. He sits in the Board of Directors of META Ventures, the management company operating the Ingenium  seed  funds  in  Italy,  Slovenia  and  Poland and  of  EURADA,  the  European Association  of  Regional  Development  Agencies. He  is  the Vice-President  of  INSME,  the International Association of SMEs. He  was  involved  in  several framework  contracts  from  DG  Research  and  Innovation  of  the European  commission  on  how  to  use  R&  results advising  more  than  100  consortia  on exploitation.